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Proud History | Awesome Future

UFC | Old Robins
The Old Robins Association was formed many years ago by a group of former players who were passionate about maintaining communication and relationships amongst the many “Old Robins” who donned the Red & Black guernsey.
What initially began with just an Annual Reunion, the Old Robins have now added an Annual Bus Trip and Annual Tent Day to their regular calendar of events, as well as holding regular home game catch-ups at half time of the senior men’s game throughout the year.


The funds raised by the Old Robins events are reinvested into club special projects, which, in recent years have included:
June 2018 – Donation of $7,500 to go towards the purchase of new tables and chairs for clubrooms
February 2017 – Donation of $5,000 to go towards the purchase of 2 x Gas Cooktops/Ovens/Grill for kitchen
You don’t have to be a former player to join in and have some fun.
If you are interested to get involved or keep track of what’s going on, please contact Colin Wearne (President) on 0417 768 462 or join their facebook page

ABN : 42 660 230 404
Email: | Phone: +61 3 6425 3794
PO Box 46, Ulverstone TAS 7315
1-3 Victoria Street, Ulverstone TAS 7315
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